“The service is second to none, a real breath of fresh air! Would recommend SafeContractor to any company.”
Auto Mate Systems Ltd have 25 years of experience helping clients to design and create bespoke and innovative automated security access and traffic management solutions.
“We work with industrial and commercial sectors on projects that range from simple car park barrier installations to site wide factory traffic management systems. We use quality products and have a team of engineers that have the experience and technical knowledge to make our systems work for our clients. This has led to our reputation for design innovation growing substantially, to the point where our engineers are often called upon for technical support and advice.” commented Calvin Ferguson, Assistant Project Manager of Auto Mate Systems Ltd.
“Achieving SafeContractor certification allowed us to also enhance our reputation for health & safety excellence in the workplace, and enables us to be awarded work by various client organisations. Our company have also been verified against SafePQQ’s key corporate sustainability topics such as financial stability, right to work and GDPR compliance, to show that we are uncompromising on these topics and are a safe, stable and ethical supplier to work with.”
Achieving UK-leading certification from SafeContractor and SafePQQ verification saves contractors time and money when bidding on new tenders and gives them the peace of mind that their health and safety practices, company standards and procedures are compliant with the law. Contractors are connected to leading organisations via our online portal, where they are displayed alongside their certification and verification awards to hundreds of companies that only work with SafeContractor approved members.
Gemma Archibald, Managing Director of Alcumus SafeContractor, said: “SafeContractor has 20 years of experience helping 37,000 contractors annually evidence their sound health and safety policies. Extending our vetting of supply chains to include our SafePQQ verification was a natural step for us to help our contractors save time, money and to win more work by reducing the burden of providing compliance information to various clients at different times.”
“No-one goes to work to get injured. Major organisations simply cannot afford to run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies and ethical practices in place, and SafeContractor and SafePQQ play a vital role in supporting our clients in meeting their compliance needs. The current economic impact of COVID-19 makes it more important than ever for contractors enhance their reputation and win work by continuing to demonstrate their commitment to delivering the highest standards of compliance.”
Commenting on the current climate surrounding COVID-19, Calvin said “After a short period furloughed, we have re-opened with social distancing and cleanliness at the forefront of what we do. All engineers will be working alone to ensure that guidelines are kept to as we slowly begin to complete both existing works along with new projects. Our phone lines and emails are again open for any enquiries”.