Three reasons why productive teams choose SafeContractor

Our dynamic pre-qualification is tailored to your specific service needs and standardized according to state and provincial regulations. This ensures your contractors meet all necessary safety requirements, giving you peace of mind. 

Risk assessment, simplified

Validate contractor risk profiles with our dynamic, service-specific questionnaire and centralize all of your details in our online portal.

Reduce the administrative burden

Our expertly trained health and safety team supports contractors through the assessment process and verifies the accuracy of every submission, so you don’t have to.

Get everyone on the same page

Provide all internal stakeholders with 24/7 access to contractor information through a single online platform, ensuring everyone has the information they need for their role in the contractor management process.


Find qualified contractors that meet your requirements

Source contractors with the skills and qualifications necessary to safeguard your business and meet regulatory requirements.

  • Our dynamic questionnaire delivers proportionate questions based on the specific risks of the contractor work category.
  • Enhanced to adjust for contractor size and risk profile, it can potentially reduce administrative tasks by up to 30%.
  • Covers safety, business standing, insurance, and sustainability, to ensure contractors meet compliance standards.
  • Our highly trained health and safety experts validate every contractor to ensure compliance.
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Contractor status dashboard

Get an at-a-glance view of your pool of contractors

Find out who’s ready to work on your jobsite, and who’s still pending, based on provincial regulations or company requirements.

  • Dashboard is fully configurable to show WCB status, assessment status, region, and more
  • Dashboard is automatically updated with the latest data on contractor status
  • Chart drill down gives access to the corresponding list of contractors
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Contractor assessment

See your list of contractors, in one spot

Quickly scan your list of contractors to find what type of service they offer, what region they work in, whether the WCB is up to date, and more.

  • Filter and search your contractor pool according to city, state/province, type of service, assessment status, WCB status and more
  • Access the wider SafeContractor database of pre-approved contractors
  • Click through to see detailed profiles of specific contractors
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Contractor health and safety profile

Dive into the details of every contractor, in one-click

Find everything about your contractors in one, digital spot; without digging through file folders of information.

  • Detailed contact information
  • Updated WCB including last renewed date or expired statuses
  • All documents uploaded as part of the assessment process
  • Centrally locate assessments based on state / provincial regulations, and also client-specific criteria
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Activating a regional network of over 10,000 contractors and 500 hiring clients to work safer together.
